Who Are We?
Located 115km northeast of Winnipeg on provincial Road #307 in the middle of thousands of acres of forests, lakes and rivers in Manitoba's picturesque Whiteshell Provincial Park. Our site is located on the shore of Lake Nutimik, which is a part of the Winnipeg River System.
Camp Nutimik is a not-for-profit organization affiliated with the Manitoba Baptist Association. The camp was established at its present site in 1954. Through much sacrificial giving and dedicated labour, the site has been developed into a beautiful, practical, year-round facility.
Our Vision
Camp Nutimik exists to impact children and youth in becoming committed followers of Jesus Christ.
Our Mission
As an extension of our local churches, we impact children and youth to become committed followers of Jesus Christ through Biblical teaching and discipleship, influence Christian character through outdoor experiences, and invest in the development of the next generation of leaders.
Our History
Lake Nutimik Baptist Camp Inc. o/a Camp Nutimik is a Christian charity associated with the Manitoba Baptist Association. Camp Nutimik had its origin in a campsite on the southern tip of Lake Dauphin in 1948. In 1953 when a larger, more permanent location was needed, the Lord directed the Manitoba Baptist Association to the present site. The initial purchase of 15 acres of prime beachfront for the price of $1.00 was negotiated between Mr. Van Sickel and the Manitoba Baptist Triunion in 1953. A further 9 acres were later leased from the Provincial Government which allowed for the permanent development of a children, youth and family camp setting. Through much sacrificial giving and dedicated service, Camp Nutimik has been developed into a beautiful and practical year-round facility.
The House on the Rock came from a vision that Rev. John Kuehn had during a particularly busy time in 1954. As he climbed up on a rock outcropping on the shores of Lake Nutimik (Jessie Lake), he later wrote, “my eyes feasted on the beauty of God’s handiwork and I visualized that this place would be suitable for a lodge to which people would come, winter and summer for recreation. I prayed, ‘Lord, give me that mountain.” Our present House on the Rock is a direct answer to Rev. Kuehn’s prayers and for many years has served as a place of retreat and refreshment for many and various guests.
Now, sixty-five years later, it is this heritage of optimistic and expectant faith and trust in God that causes us to continue to breathe that same prayer, ‘Lord, give us that mountain.” As we welcome campers of all ages, guest groups from churches and other sectors of the public, we believe that God continues to change lives here at Camp Nutimik. Our God and Savior provides. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. And we move forward with that battle cry to the next chapter that God is writing in our history.
Statement of Faith
Camp Nutimik is a distinctly Christian ministry and our mission is to impact children and youth through Biblical teaching and discipleship, to influence Christian character through outdoor experiences and to invest in the development of the next generation of leaders.
Our policies are built on the principles taken from the Holy Bible, the final authority which guides our faith, our actions and our ministry.
Camp Nutimik has an understanding and interpretation of Scriptures consistent with the evangelical Christian tradition and North American Baptist Conference, and maintains a Statement of Faith and Code of Ethics & Lifestyle based on that understanding and interpretation of Scripture.
In Summary We Believe -
The whole Bible is divinely inspired by God and, therefore, our authority for faith and practice.
In the One Living and True God, existing eternally in three co-equal persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
That Jesus Christ is God, miraculously conceived of the Holy Spirit by the Virgin Mary, revealed God through His sinless life, miracles and teaching. That He died and was buried and physically rose again, ascended to heaven and will return.
In the person of the Holy Spirit who through the Word of God convicts individuals of their sinfulness and of the righteousness of Jesus Christ. He draws humanity to the Savior and bears witness to their new birth. The Holy Spirit enables believers to live a holy life, to witness and work for the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the existence of angels and demons who are created beings. The holy angels are obedient spirits who bring glory to God. The rebellious angels (demons) along with Satan who is chief among these, are the enemy of God who tempt individuals to rebel against God.
All people were created in God’s image to have fellowship with Him and to be stewards over His creation. Through sin which entered the world through Adam and Eve, we are all born with a sinful nature and are therefore separated from God.
That salvation of lost and sinful humanity is possible only through the merits of the shed blood of Jesus Christ, received by repentance and faith apart from works and brought into a new relationship as regenerated children of God.
The Church is the body of Christ and consists of all true believers.
That religious liberty, rooted in Scripture, is the inalienable right of all individuals to freedom of conscience with ultimate accountability to God.
That Christians individually and collectively, are salt and light in society. In a Christ-like spirit, they oppose greed, selfishness and vice; they promote truth, justice and peace; they aid the needy and preserve the dignity of people of all races and conditions.
That the Bible teaches that marriage refers to the covenant relationship between one man and one woman, as instituted by God in the beginning, to the exclusion of all others. We affirm the family as the basic unit of society and seek to preserve its integrity and stability.
In the personal and literal return of the Lord Jesus Christ in God’s own time to judge the living and the dead and bring all things to their appropriate end and establish a new heaven and a new earth.