The Camp Nutimik Foundation has been organized to accept and seek out donations on behalf of Camp Nutimik ministries.

Our Focus
The Camp Nutimik Foundation is focused solely on fundraising and providing the Camp with both current and long-term financial stability. The Foundation is a legal entity separate from the Camp which allows any long-purposed assts held for the benefit of Camp Nutimik to be safeguarded from regular operations. Donors can be assured that any financial donations are used for their designated purpose.

Why Give?
Your donation to our Foundation will ultimately go towards the support of the operational and capital needs of Camp Nutimik. Your contributions will go towards the long-term financial stability for the Camp. Your contribution is an investment in the children of the future.
Camp Nutimik:
Reaches almost 400 kids per year through our summer and off season programming
Reaches an additional 1,665 adults through rental groups year-round.
Is committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus and offering opportunities to respond to the Gospel.
Is training disciples and future leaders of our Camp and our Churches through a progression of learning experiences.
Camp Nutimik Foundation Inc. is a registered charity under the Income Tax Act (Registration Number 82620 0388 RR0001). All information contained herein is for information purposes. Spending of funds is confined to Camp Nutimik Foundation Inc. "CNFI" approved programs and projects. Each contribution directed toward an approved program or project will be used as restricted with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by CNFI, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed.